Gainesbuildering: Gainesville Buildering

      Here is an email sent to me by Chris Harabaglia with some climbing problems around Gville. I'll make them into links under the "ROUTES" tab as I get a minute or two later, and hopefully get some photos soon. Thanks for the heads up Chris!

Hey man, I figured I would contribute. Although you should probably
know most of these already if you've been looking around.

1) Arredondo Farms Mobile Home Park has a boulder (two if you're
desperate) out front that has a few problems on it. It's west on
Archer Road about 2 miles past I-75. The boulder has a little roof on
it and you can start under there and then go out right for a top out.
It's actually rather difficult because it's so lowball that you have
to have crazy core to do it.

2) The Lowe's on NW 13th St. across from Wal-mart and Brasington's has
a large 25 foot tall retaining wall on the side with the garden
center. It's slabby with big holds, V0-, but not protectable so it's
fun cause you can get a little high. You could probably actually
top-rope it off the railing at the top.

3) The parking garage south of the new Nuclear Building off Archer.
Just go walk around this thing and you'll find them. There's one crack
that runs between the garage and a glass stairwell/elevator which, if
you reach back into it has big jugs. Also there's another crack near
that one that goes about 5 stories. I haven't climbed any of this
since neither crack climbing or placing pro are a skill I have.

4) The obvious ones on campus: the Potato, the T sculpture, Little
Hall has aluminum siding which runs up the whole length as
underclings, same thing down by the T only shorter, down by the T,
towards the parking lot fronting Reitz Union if I remember correctly,
there's like an off-width/chimney deal, just a little nook in the wall
basically, but it's not protectable.

5) There's a church which I think is close to campus to the north that
is supposed to be climbable. I'm not sure exactly where it is though,
so keep an eye out and let me know.


Also, I forgot this one earlier but the O'Connell Center Basketball
Stadium has a large parking garage. It has two different kinds of
staircases, but at one (or two?) corners there's like a wrap around
staircase leading up to the second floor. It has some slopey rails on
it which you can do a campus start off of and campus up 2 rails, put
your feet on, use a vertical slopey rail as a sidepull, stand up, and
stab for the slopey concrete railing. It's pretty hard. Like V6 or
7ish actually. If you really want names, call it Three Percent from
the friends I first tried it out with. You can also traverse the whole
staircase around in a big loop up to the second floor, which is also
pretty high.

The underside of the staircase might have some potential too. And
inside the parking garage, if I remember it right the roof has like a
fistjam dead horizontal crack. Maybe.
Hopefully there's something there that you didn't know about.


-Chris Harabaglia

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         There aren't many rocks to climb in Gainesville; at least not natural ones. So the next best thing? Buildings...


    April 2010



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